Volonteurope is a Brussels-based international network promoting social action and active citizenship as routes to more social justice in Europe and beyond. Established in 1981, it comprises close to 40 members across the continent. Between them, the members engage hundreds of thousands of volunteers and beneficiaries. In turn, this diverse membership, gives the network access to active citizens and grassroots level of engagement.With membership and collaboration in several European networks and platforms (full member of Social Platform, Lifelong Learning Platform, Civil Society Europe, and European Civic Forum), Volonteurope has a strong policy development, dissemination, and multiplier capacity, to work on various issues related to volunteering, active citizenship, and social justice, and how these can lead to and how these can bring about positive change in communities in Europe and beyond. Volonteurope is a member of the Civil Society Liaison Group at the European Economic and Social Committee and engages in regular advocacy with the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is also a member of the Conference of INGOs at the Council of Europe and there, is directly engaged in the work of the “Action for Social Rights” Committee.