A project funded by European Union which aims to use podcast as a tool for inclusion.

About Us

Digital skills, soft skills such as critical thinking and media literacy are key skills and competences needed by today’s modern citizens. The situation is even more critical for the disadvantaged young people. Those that are not media literate face multiple difficulties to function fully in a digital society and this affects their full and responsible online participation.

Disadvantaged young people face also another important problem in relation with media. According to a report from the European Federation of Journalists, their voice is often underrepresented in the media.

Through media literacy young disadvantaged people can become active and informed participants in society. By learning how to navigate media sources, evaluate information, and create media content, they can engage in meaningful dialogue and contribute to important conversations about social and political issues.

Every generation has its own voice and its own tools to express and create positive change. This generation is living in the digital era as well as the social media era and the tools that this generation has are linked to the online expression. Social media can have both positive and negative impact and it is in the hands of the active citizens of a community to determine which is going to be.

What used to be radio for older generations is now podcasts for this generation. And the freedom of content creations makes this tool more accessible to more people. The creation of podcasts is a very important tool for the young people the possibility to express their voice in a strong and autonomous way that will not depend on the media establishment. This is particularly true for disadvantaged youth that their voice is very rarely heard at the established media.

The general objective of the project is to empower disadvantaged youth through trainings on hard skills, soft skills and media literacy to use podcasts as a tool in their local contexts in order to increase their civic engagement and political participation.

Through the methodology of podcast creation and the trainings on their soft skills and media literacy, young people will create a voice for themselves in order to research, discuss, and inform their peers about important political societal, environmental, and other current issues that might concern them. It gives them the opportunity to encourage and participate in public dialogue, and inspire others to do so as well.


Vidcast recorded in Napoli


Window Youth has given me the opportunity to collaborate creatively with people from various countries, gaining insights into their perspectives and shared challenges, which we can address together through podcasts. Inspiring creativity in young people can be a powerful tool that we should all try to cultivate.

- Michalis - Action Synergy, Greece

Our Blog

Newsletter No.2

Newsletter No.2

The second half of the first year was summarized in this newsletter.
Take a look!

Window Youth Training in Seville

Window Youth Training in Seville

The first day of the training in Seville came with a hit! 35 beautiful people from Greece, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria and Romania immersed ourselves in the soft skills and podcast training.

Call for participants – Window Youth Webinars

Call for participants – Window Youth Webinars

Do you have a passion for media and technology?
Do you want to make a difference in your community by empowering young people?
Join the Window Youth Project and become part of a movement that uses podcasting as a tool for positive change!